"You're off to great places! Today is your day!
Your mountain is waiting, so ... get on your way!"
~ Dr Seuss ~
try us out
Before you commit to paying your first membership fees, why not try walking with us a couple of times to help you decide if you like us and if being in our rambling club is for you. To get you walking as soon as possible, please contact our membership secretary (details below).
If you join us on any Sunday or wish to do a Thursday walk, you need as a minimum to be able to walk 10 miles in 6 hours. Wednesday day walks are at a slower pace, but still require the capability of walking 5 miles in 4 hours.
Sturdy shoes or boots are desirable on all our walks, and suitable outdoor clothing should be carried together with refreshments and a small first aid kit. If you are joining us on a Sunday, a change of footwear will be necessary as no dirty boots are allowed on our coach after a walk. You will also need money to pay your coach fare and for the all-important post-walk refreshments, be it coffee and cake or a cold pint of real ale.
membership and coach fees
Membership fees are £20.00 per year for senior members (18 years and over) and £10.00 for junior members due on 1st January payment before the 31st of January. For this you will receive two printed walks programmes per year with details of all our walk destinations, distances, leaders and times. A charge of £14.00 per person is payable on the coach on the day regardless of the distance travelled.
If you are interested in walking and would like to join our friendly and inclusive rambling club, you will need to complete an enrolment form. Prospective members should, therefore, contact the Membership Secretary Celia by phone on 01642-580389 or by email at stocktonramblers.members@gmail.com. In addition to the enrolment form, you will be sent a Guide for New Members that you can look at to find out more about our activities.