RULES & regulations
"There are no shortcuts to any place worth going."
~ Beverly Sills ~
Members of Stockton Rambling Club are asked to adhere to the following requirements:
Members should walk in single file on all roads.
Strong shoes or boots are desirable on all walks and suitable outdoor clothing should be carried together with refreshments and a small first aid kit.
Members should not walk ahead of the leader and must not dawdle.
Junior members must walk with the main party at all times.
Leaders unable to lead a ramble are requested to find a substitute and notify the Rambles Secretary.
Dogs are not allowed on walks that use a coach - well-behaved, properly controlled dogs are allowed on mid-week walks. However, as some walks may not be suitable it is necessary to check with the leader beforehand.
Muddy boots should be removed or covered before boarding the coach.
Deposits are not refundable and members are also liable for any other expenses incurred on their behalf.
The Membership Secretary should be notified of any change of address and/or telephone number.
Walks can never be free from the possibility of accident or illness and inevitably therefore walkers must accept an element of risk.
In the interests of safety, there must be a minimum of four walkers on any walk.
If you join our coach on any Sunday, or wish to do a Thursday walk, you need as a minimum to be able to walk 10 miles in 6 hours. Wednesday day walks are at a slower pace, but still require a capability of walking 5 miles in 4 hours.
Club walks are in countryside requiring the ability to climb stiles, climb steep hills and walk on rough ground. Therefore, regrettably, none of our walks are suitable for wheelchairs or buggies.